Platform Overview

The FutureProof Retail platform digitizes brick and mortar stores, bringing the convenience and personalization of eCommerce to physical retailers and their customers.

The platform is designed to capture the key benefits mobile technology can provide to shoppers and retailers, including improved customer service and customer loyalty, increased sales, decreased operational costs and more – see the full platform benefits for details.

The platform is centered around a mobile app for shoppers that provides a variety of capabilities, including mobile self-scanning, ordering, recommendations and more. The mobile app is deployed as a private whitelabel under a retailer’s own brand and as a universal app for use by smaller stores.

The shopper app is supported by a separate application for store staff with roles for marketers, ops, managers, and cashiers. The staff application works across all common phones, tablets, and computers, and provides visibility into and control over how shoppers use the platform.

Both apps are supported by a flexible backend that allows custom integrations and new capabilities. The platform can be cloud hosted by FutureProof Retail or on-premise via special arrangement.

Configurable for Different Retail Formats

All retail formats share the fundamental sales capabilities at the core of the platform. A growing list of additional features can be used to tailor the platform to a retailer’s specific needs. Each whitelabel app or individual store location can mix and match the optional capabilities from the full platform capabilities.